Friday, November 20, 2009

Some Good News!

I came across this article on Library Journal and thought I'd share it with everyone since it involves good news. The Madison Public Library in Wisconsin will be receiving $37 million from the city to build a new library. The mayor of Madison, Dave Cieslewicz, supports this. He emphasizes that this is a decision to benefit the community in the long run. I think it is very refreshing to hear that not all politicians and city councils have given up on libraries as unimportant. Hopefully the city of Madison can be an example to other cities to keep funding their libraries. How great would it be to start reading more and more stories about libraries receiving additional funds instead of having their budgets cut or eliminated?

However, we must remain realistic as well. I realize that most cities right now do not have $37 million to give to a library. I just think that city councils should think twice about cutting library budgets. Instead, maybe city councils could attempt to keep library budgets the same or even provide some extra funding if possible. This may be wishful thinking, but the city of Madison gives me hope!

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