Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Library Budget Cut Interview

Hello everyone! I just posted a video in the video bar of an interview I had two days ago with the director of the library I work at (the Chesterfield Township Public Library). Her name is Midge Lusardi and she's been the director at the library for 13 years. I asked her to explain how the budget cuts in libraries around the country are going to ultimately affect the future of both librarians and the professionals who work within them. She gave some great insight about how the economy is reflecting the value of libraries, as well as how anyone can become more involved in the issue. Please check it out and feel free to comment!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. The battle weary veteran who refuses to concede defeat. Well done Nina! This interview is OUTSTANDING! Of course if the citizens rejected the usual political suspects contests on being tough on crime, drugs, etc. (but no taxes), there may be enough money for libraries and health care. But that's the closet socialist in me coming out again. Sorry. A great recruiting tool for being a public librarian.
